Welcome to the Feel Good Nurse website. Thank you for visiting and I hope we can grow together as nurses. I want to think of this website as a club for nurses. In this nurse club, established upon a richly diverse intellectual foundation, I envision nurses sharing stories and knowledge that can lead other nurses to new opportunities, discoveries, and ways of caring for patients, as well as possible role-modeling for future generations of nurses. I believe we learn from those whose experiences, beliefs, and perspectives are different from our own. These ways of learning and thinking provide richness and meaning to why we are nurses. Learning is priceless, especially when the lessons learned lead to higher ways of thinking, doing, believing, and understanding.


Just as society has rules of conduct governing interactions, the virtual community also must have rules of conduct. The term netiquette is used to refer to online etiquette. Following these few rules will allow us to engage in meaningful and stimulating conversation, as well as improve the readability of our messages.

  • Avoid the use of all caps; IT IS LIKE SHOUTING! Use caps occasionally for strong emphasis, but only for individual words.
  • Messages in this forum are conversational and often informal; thus, they are prone to occasional grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors. Be sure to consistently post intelligible messages despite the informality of the environment.
  • If you chose to write a blog, a general rule is to limit each paragraph to five to seven lines. Avoid fonts that are difficult to read because of style, color, or size.
  • Avoid responding when emotions are running high. Most importantly, remain courteous. Your thoughts, perspectives, experiences, and concerns; as well as those of your fellow nurses, enrich the learning process for everyone. Any comments that attack another person, are racist, bigoted, inflammatory, etc, can be removed by the Admin team and the person posting the message can be banned from Feel Good Nurse.

On the Feel Good Nurse platform, I encourage members to become involved no matter how much you may believe your participation can contribute. In other words, what you may consider a small pearl of wisdom could be a turning point in another nurse’s life. This online platform allows us to build a nursing community that we can be proud of. A place where we can feel comfortable sharing experiences and stories of what it is to be a nurse, a mother, or a friend. There is no cost involved; and yet, there is much to gain through sharing our nursing experiences and stories.

I look forward to getting to know you and hope that you will consider writing a blog or two on a subject matter or experience that helped you to grow personally or professionally. Writing a blog will require joining FeelGoodNurse.Org as a member, which is free, in order to provide the permissions needed to contribute blogs though. My immediate goal is a few substantial posts per week. I also plan, in the future, to interview or ask others to share their expertise on topics that can strengthen our personal and professional lives. This website will always be open for members to grow skills in writing, researching information, create their own blog posts or nominate a special nurse who has inspired you. On this website, we are only limited to where we stop imagining. I will be listening to suggestions of what can strengthen us, as we move forward in growing this nursing community. Finally, I will do my best to provide the resources to help us grow each other.

See my biography to learn more about me.

Again, welcome to our Feelgood nurse community.

Do not hesitate to leave a comment or email me with suggestions.


Thank you

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