The technology of MiNurse allowed for the seamless integration of updated information and has proven to be the most beneficial advancement in the field of nursing in recorded history. The MiNurse system is essentially a series of interlinked computers which have drastically changed the way in which nursing interventions are conducted. By integrating MiNurse with all healthcare practitioners, hospital staff, non-hospital medical personnel such as Emergency Medical Services members in ambulances, and Medical Evacuation members in planes and helicopters; allows for the quick transmission, recording, and retrieval of patient and other medical information through an interactive device which is worn like a set of glasses. These glasses, a descendant of Project Glass, has built-in wireless communication, display, camera, and microphone with attached earbud so communications, either from the system or other users, remains confidential.
MiNurse interlinks with medical monitoring devices attached to the patient which constantly tracks the patient’s vital statistics. Since the MiNurse device is mobile, a monitoring device is attached to the patient when he/she enters the care facility and remains with the patient until discharged; thus, a seamless record of the patient’s encounter, from check-in to discharge, is recorded. This all-in-one device came about as an attempt to save money, lessen the equipment required in hospital rooms, promote freedom of patient movement, and create an uninterrupted record. MiNurse ultimately changed the care facility matrix from the stressful hospital environment of the 2020’s to a calm atmosphere of positive energy. The care facility matrix is now a healing, restful place to recover from illnesses.
The wireless connectivity for the MiNurse system takes advantage of the infrastructure in facilities and communication systems. This wireless connectivity allows the nurse to link their MiNurse into any patients monitoring equipment and download or upload data for patient trends such as heart rate, temperature, and oxygen saturation. All of this information is displayed on the lens of the glasses. In other words, a graph of the patient’s vital statistics is displayed in a heads-up display style, allowing the nurse to identify areas of concern. This networking capability also allows the nurse to upload data to other medical staff for on-the-spot feedback, reducing phone calls, pages, and minimizing the amount of direct communication with interprofessional team members caring for the patient at all times. Furthermore, MiNurse allows doctors and other healthcare providers to transmit scripts and authorize refills from almost any location.
MiNurse allows all health care providers to share real-time information as situations are happening. For example, given the scenario of a 24-year-old patient involved in a traffic accident who sustained multiple lesions and requires a blood transfusion. Through MiNurse, EMS crew members are able to transmit vital information in real-time to the destination hospital. The information transmitted is both visual and telemetric allowing doctors to diagnose the patient’s condition. Thanks to the transmitted information, doctors at the destination hospital are able to identify a more serious condition the EMS staff missed, allowing the ambulance to be diverted to a hospital with the required equipment and appropriately trained medical staff. Additionally, MiNurse was able to identify the patient as having blood type AB, thanks to programming which accessed the patient’s historical medical records, and alert staff of this rare blood type while running a supply check of local facilities. If MiNurse identifies low on-hand stock of blood type AB at the re-routed hospital, it will search out and notify the closest facility with the required blood type on hand and place an emergency order for delivery. When the patient arrives, the hospital will have everything set up to save this patient’s life.
The ability to quickly retrieve information on a patient from a common database has helped to decrease the number of medical misdiagnoses and errors since MiNurse was introduced in 2132. All of this has culminated into better health care, with fewer mistakes, timely diagnoses, quicker treatment, less paperwork, fewer lawsuits, a reduction in erroneous charges, and lower overall health care costs for the patient. All thanks to a constant video, audio, and information log collected and recorded by MiNurse.